Oct 22, 2009

Hey Sarah, this is my little test, I kind of like the layouts on the blogger.com it can be very simple and we can both administrate this. what do you think?

Apr 3, 2009

I am getting ready to try coldwater surf!!! Bought a wetsuit, secondhand, ION jewel series 5/4. Tried it on and tried some pop-ups, and that thing is warm!! at least inside.
Wearing a thick wetsuit, sure aint going to make my "moves" more smooth, but I know I´ll have a blast getting tossed around in the waves: D
This video is great. Even though I have been long gone from this blog and surfing, I try to think about what muscles I need to work out and which moves I use in Surfing, while doing my other exercise. In my aikido class we often end up face down on the floor, and that´s an excelent opportunity to practise the pop-up while getting up:)

Dec 7, 2008

My friend Johanna sent me this picture after I had talked exhilarated about my first time surfing experience.

and under you see me (yes it´s me in the pink rash guard) waiting, looking, learning, and having a lot of exhilarating fun out in the ocean. Grupuk, Lombok is the place

Dec 1, 2008

trying trying trying
doing doing doing: